
There is an old Jewish idiom that says "Eat the fish, spit out the bones."  What it refers to is gleaning/getting what is good/true and discarding what isn't. Apply here as always.


Recommended Bible Versions/Translations
AMP (Amplified Bible)
ESV (English Standard Version)
NLT (New Living Translation)
TLV (Tree Of Life Version)
Recommended Audio Bibles
Read by David Cochran Heath, ESV
Read by Johnny Cash, NKJV
Hundreds of FREE Bible Versions/Translations and Languages.
Read, Listen (Audio), Study, Research, Reference the Bible for FREE on Your Phone, Tablet, Computer.
Physical/Print Bibles
Have Questions about God, Jesus, the Bible?
Need Help Understanding a Bible Verse or Passage?
Any Issues in Your Life that Require Help/Solutions?

JESUS Way Truth Life - Oneness Driven. Godly Living. Biblical Lifestyle.



Music Inspired by God
YouTube Playlist

JESUS Way Truth Life Music
JWTL Artists
Who's Promised Tomorrow... What about Today?
The Only Faithful One
An Introspective Towards God, Towards Others, and Others Toward You

Change - Turn to God - Repent
Michael Jackson : Man in the Mirror

Holy Spirit of God
Cosmic Gate ft. Denise Rivera : Body of Conflict



Mastering/Overcoming the Enemy (self, evil, sin, world, satan) 
YouTube Playlist

The Struggle Between Truth vs Lie, Love vs Sin, Good vs Evil.  Relating to Genesis 4:7
Not just a gangster movie :-)
Rated R

Self-less-ness / Compassion-ate
Pay It Forward

God Uses All Things to Reach/Fix Us

Don't Forget the Enemy/Opponent Within

Daniel - The Beloved Obedient Prophet
The Book of Daniel

Peter - The Faithful Finisher
Apostle Peter and The Last Supper

A Docudrama on the Life of Jesus Christ, based on the Gospel of John
A Docudrama on the Life of Jesus Christ, based on the Gospel of Luke
Jesus Film

Bringing Hope to Women
Veil of Tears

Take a walk with Paul Gautschi as he shares organic sustainable permaculture growing methods that are capable of being implemented in diverse areas and climates around the world. Hear and experience this man's amazing walk of faithfulness in God. You'll learn of many truth's God has revealed to Paul, as well as discover many lies/deceptions that we have been told.
Back to Eden



Stories/Testimonies of various people seeking, finding & living for God.

The Illuminati in the Entertainment Industry

The Occult and Esoteric

Good Fight Theater - Exposing satanic agenda in pop culture.

Invisible People - Homeless people telling their own real stories... unedited, uncensored and raw. Connect with them to make the invisible visible.

Real Life Heroes - Inspirational, motivational and faith-restoring content.

End-Times Info - Numerous video's to watch.