Occult / Esoteric

God (the Bible) calls us to knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. If we let the scales fall from our eyes and believe God (the Bible), instead of others, we will begin to see the truth and notice how prevalent the lie has become.

Who is satan/devil/lucifer (the adversary, slanderer, ancient dragon, serpent, father of lies, angel of light, shinning one, etc)?

Fallen Angels / Demons
What Every Person Needs to Know About Demons
Jesus Meets a Demon
What Does the Bible Say About Demons/Fallen Angels?

Mystery Babylon (Roman Catholic Church/Vatican)
Revealed - Mystery Babylon
The Berean Call - A Woman Rides the Beast
Catholic Mass - The Dark Secret of the Eucharist and the Rite of Communion
The Passion of the Christ Movie & Roman Catholic Theology
Revelation Chapter 13 - The Two Beasts
End-Times Study

Pharmakeia / Sorcery / Witchcraft

World War 3 : The Master Plan

Gun Control : Good or Evil?

The Vigilant Citizen
Here & Here & Here

The Vigilant Christian
Here & Here



Good Fight Theater

Ron Patton & Marion Knox

CERN / SESAME / JET / TOKAMAK / ITER / IFMIF / DEMO / Fusion Power / Earth's Magnetic Field / Stargate / Wormhole
CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC)